Cell Groups

At King’s we believe in the importance of both large and small expressions of church.  Cell groups embody our core church values in being Bible-based, Spirit-filled, missional communities.

Whilst there are great things about celebrating and coming together as a whole church on Sunday, we also believe that relationships and discipleship often work best in small groups where people can really get to know and trust each other. For this reason we have small ‘cell’ groups.

Cells are the basic building block of any organism (rather than a room you are locked in!) and cell groups are the smallest working part of our church which join together to form the church community. They offer the opportunity to meet in groups of about 8-12 people mid-week to learn, pray and support each other. They also provide a setting for people to use and develop their gifts in discipling and encouraging each other.

We generally use a ‘4 W’s’ model, which means typically a cell meeting would involve ‘Welcome’ (an icebreaker), ‘Worship’ (to focus us on God), ‘Word’ (to learn from Scripture), and ‘Witness’ (an active outward focus).

Cells also provide a place to bring friends who are exploring their faith and are deliberately outward looking, considering the wider community and reaching those who don’t know Jesus yet.

We would strongly encourage anyone who wants to be part of the Kings community to join a cell.

If you would like to do so or want further information please contact Katherine Jacklin or speak to her at a Sunday meeting.

Student cells

Cells are also an important part of our Student Clusters. For more information on Students Clusters and Cells, see the Clusters page or contact the student team.