Holiday Club

Castaway Cove

Monday 19 August – Friday 23 August, 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm
Gilesgate Primary School

Our holiday club runs for a week each summer for children aged 4-11 years. This summer we are having an outdoor adventures/explorer themed week of fun!

Each day there we had songs, drama, craft and games all based around Bible stories. There is also a free, healthy packed lunch to end the morning.

Sign up is required through Churchsuite or using the link at the top of this page!

What is the Holiday Club?

Each year we host a summer Holiday Club for primary school age children. It usually takes place at Laurel Avenue Community Centre on the Sherburn Road estate and welcomes children from all over Durham. During the Covid-19 pandemic we still ran our holiday club online and delivered craft packs to children who were participating from home. The video below gives a glimpse of 2018’s Ocean Odyssey.