Morning Worship


Our main weekly gathering takes place every Sunday morning, 10.30am-12 noon at Dunelm House. You can watch the service online on YouTube.

We believe in meeting together as a whole community to worship together, hear a talk from the Bible, share refreshments, and have an opportunity to pray together.

If you have kids, see our Children section for details of our children’s groups.

For more information see our Visit Us page.


Our meetings always begin with worship in order to bring our focus towards Jesus our King. We believe in giving space and time to praise God, to celebrate his work in creation, salvation and our future hope, and allowing him to speak to us through the Holy Spirit.

Get involved with our worship team.


Also central to Sunday Mornings is the preaching of Scripture and our normal pattern is to work systematically through a book of the Bible.

See our current preaching series below, or you can listen to recent sermons.


Another important part of our meetings is the opportunity to have fellowship with one another and we encourage everyone to stay for drinks and snacks after the meeting.

Current Preaching Series

Our preaching series for the spring and summer of 2024 will be on the First Book of Kings entitled The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Date Passage Title
7 April 1 Kings 1 Family Feuds
14 April 1 Kings 2 Sowing and Reaping
21 April 1 Kings 3-4 What to Ask For When God Will Give You Anything
28 April 1 Kings 5-7 Building a Dream Home
5 May 1 Kings 8-9 Where Heaven Meets Earth
12 May 1 Kings 10-11 The Price of Fame and Fortune
19 May 1 Kings 12-14 Divided and Rule
26 May 1 Kings 15-16 Ups and Downs. Mainly Downs
2 June 1 Kings 17 Elijah: The Prophet’s Power
9 June 1 Kings 18 Elijah: The Prophet’s Courage
16 June June Project Guest Service
23 June 1 Kings 19 Elijah: The Prophet’s Fear
30 June 1 Kings 20 The Success of a Godly King
7 July 1 Kings 21 The Way of a Weak King
14 July 1 Kings 22 The End of a Godless King
21 July 2 Kings 1 Fire From Heaven
28 July 2 Kings 2 Chariots of Fire

Our next series is entitled Growing in Prayer.

Date Title
4 August Prayer to the Father
11 August Prayer through the Son
18 August Prayer in the Spirit
25 August Prayer with the Church
1 September Prayer for the Kingdom