New Beginnings, More Rules But a Constant God

These past few weeks have been a blur of introductory sessions to every area of church life you could possibly think of plus the added bonus of training for the times we currently find ourselves in. As we arrived as an Intern team at the Appleby Rooms on 2 September we had no idea what the next week would hold, let alone the next year. Full of hopes and excitement for the year but also nervousness regarding possible impacts of restrictions on various aspects of the internship, we have been so blessed to be able to mainly be meeting in person so far. As a team we have got to know one another by hearing each other’s testimonies, cooking pancakes on top of Roseberry Topping and doing a photo challenge across Durham set for us by Stephen.

However, it hasn’t all been simple. From the introduction of the rule of six to a brand new ‘local lockdown but not local lockdown’, constantly adapting to changing rules whilst trying to also adapt to my placements and studying theology (after four years of doing a science degree I honestly don’t know what a book is…) has been challenging at times. Despite and possibly even because of this large amount of change in such a short amount of time I have been continually struck by God’s unchanging nature and faithfulness. This has been such an encouragement that regardless of what the rest of the year looks like for us individually and as an Intern team, God works powerfully despite our restrictions.

So, in times which feel chaotic and constantly shifting I am thankful that we have a God who is the same God both today and for eternity.