June Project 2024

Our annual week of teaching, training, community outreach, evangelism & events in Durham, bringing together many aspects of the year round life & mission of the church.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is June Project?

June Project is Kings’ annual outreach week, bringing together many aspects of the life and mission of the church. Through June Project we want to see God transforming hearts, lives and communities. We love to bless people in practical ways, to speak truth and hope into people’s lives, and to ask God to work in the hearts of every individual in this city.

June Project supports and builds on our regular activities throughout the year, as well as exploring new opportunities including garden projects, community service, street evangelism, prayer, and fun days.

When is it?

June Project will take place on Tuesday 11 – Sunday 16, June. Most days (Wednesday to Friday) will be from 9am to 6pm; on Saturday we’ll be finishing at 8pm after our June Project Celebration Meal! Tuesday will just be 1-5pm. Evening events Wednesday to Friday will be optional. The week will conclude with a Guest Service on the Sunday morning.

A typical day might look like this:
9.00: Teaching, worship & prayer @ St Oswalds Institute
11.00: Outreach
12.30: Lunch break
13.15: Outreach (including a mid-afternoon break)
18.00: Home time!

What would I be doing?

June Project gives you the chance to take part in a range of activities. 

Full-week delegates are in a team which will focus on one area of outreach. This could be delivering workshops in primary schools, worshipping on the streets, doing practical tasks such as gardening, or outreach to students. There’s even an opportunity to head to the local seaside town, Seaham, to do some outreach there! These are just a taster of things you can do and you can express your top three preferences when you sign up. There are also some activities that all full-week delegates get involved in, including gardening, street outreach and prayer, and we’ll have worship, prayer and teaching altogether every morning.

Residents, there are a variety of other ways you can get involved in June Project – supporting practically or joining in outreach with your family – see the resident sign-up form for more information!

At the end of the week, there is a June Project Celebration Meal where we’ll share testimonies and celebrate what God has done during the week. On Sunday morning we’ll have a Guest Service to invite those you meet throughout the week, as well as your friends and family.

What does it cost?

June Project costs £32.50 to participate in the full week, with an early bird rate of £27.50 if you sign-up and pay by 23rd April. If you have a June Project t-shirt from last year you can get a discount of £7.50.

This covers the costs of your June Project t-shirt, refreshments, venue hire, training and a contribution towards the mission costs for the week.

Why should I take part?

June Project is a great opportunity to show God’s love to people in the different parts of our city through practical service, evangelism, community events, prayer and worship. But it is also an opportunity for us all to be equipped in our call to mission as disciples of Jesus, by stepping out of our comfort zone, trying out a wide range of activities, and receiving teaching and training.

Over the years, we have seen God work in really exciting and encouraging ways in the lives of people we met during the week, but for many delegates June Project has also brought about real growth in their faith and their heart for mission, leading them to discover new gifts, passions and callings.

If you have any more questions: