Laurel Avenue Lunch Club

The Lunch Club meets between 12pm and 1.45pm every Thursday at the Laurel Avenue Community Centre. It is run by King’s Church in partnership with the Laurel Avenue Community Association. We enjoy a delicious two course meal cooked by our wonderful volunteers, followed by bingo or another activity. Each week we have around 15 residents and 4 volunteers, and the group has a welcoming and warm atmosphere. At Christmas we have a special meal, and we try to arrange a couple of trips throughout the year.

We ask residents for a donation of £3.00 to help cover the cost of the food. We can help with transport to the Lunch Club if you are living in the Sherburn Road area and have difficulty in coming. 

The aim of the Lunch Club is to help reduce social isolation and to help support elderly people living in the Sherburn Road/Gilesgate area. Anyone is welcome to attend and if you have any questions prior to attending please contact Leonie. Please also get in touch if you require transport to the Lunch Club.

If you are interested in volunteering at the Lunch Club please get in touch with Leonie for more information (