A warm welcome to Parents and Carers looking for information about our Children’s Ministries!
We aim to provide a safe space for children and young people to discover a faith in Jesus for themselves and to learn to follow him, while having fun and building friendships in church. It is our hope that the time we have with the children will complement the discipleship they are engaged in with their families at home and that God will use it to enliven and solidify their faith.
We have a variety of opportunities for parents, carers and their children to participate in the worshipping and missional life of our church. Scroll down the page for further information or use the links below.

Family Worship 10.45-11.10am
Roughly one Sunday per month families can leave Morning Worship earlier for a brief act of Family Worship followed by Kids@Kings groups.
After a short time of worship all together in the Fonteyn Ballroom, parents, carers and children can gather in the Learning Lounge for a short time of singing, actions and prayers more suited to engage the children. Afterwards, kids go to their groups and parents and carers return downstairs.

Kids@Kings Groups
Kids@Kings is the name of our children’s ministry on Sundays. The meeting leader will announce when it’s time for the kids to go out to there groups, usually about half an hour after the start of Morning Worship. There are five age groups:
- Creche: 6 months-2 years. (Parents and carers are welcome to stay with their children.)
- Fireflies: preschool and reception (age 3-5)
- Sparklers: school years 1 & 2 (age 5-7)
- Torches: school years 3 & 4 (age 7-9)
- Supernovas: school years 5 & 6 (age 9-11)
- Lazers: school years 7-9 (age 11 – 14)
- For those aged 14+
The Kids@Kings group time includes games, crafts, Bible stories and prayer tailored to the appropriate age group.
We welcome all children in Kids@Kings! If your child has any additional needs please let us know. Speak to someone in a yellow t-shirt when you arrive at Kings and we’d love to talk to you about how we can support your child.

Wednesdays, 9.30-11.30am, The Appleby Rooms
Pipsqueaks is a lively, friendly gathering of babies and toddlers with their parents and carers. The morning is full of playtime, story time, including Bible stories, music, and refreshments for kids and adults. There are two large rooms with a huge variety of toys and space to explore and play. Laura Harries heads it up with the help of many church volunteers who are happy to play with the children and chat with adults. Newcomers are always welcome. Please visit our Pipsqueaks page on kcd.org.uk/pipsqueaks for more information and to sign up.

Youth Midweek

Parenting for Faith Course
In 2023/24, We ran a course for parents and carers of 0–11 year olds for once a month on Fridays.
The goal of the course was to help parents and carers to support their children on a journey of faith in Jesus. This created a space for parents and carers to talk and pray together about parenting and discipleship, particularly what it looks like to help children be connected to God in the everyday.
We hope to run more of these courses in the future.
King’s Church has a comprehensive safeguarding policy. All those working with children follow these guidelines and all of our children’s workers are DBS checked. We have a Safeguarding Coordinator who oversees all aspects of safeguarding in our church and ministries. Please go to www.kcd.org.uk/safeguarding for more details.