
Sunday Worship

Everyone will gather together for Morning Worship at 10.30am in the Fonteyn Ballroom of the DSU. Morning Worship will continue to be streamed to our YouTube channel. As part of our gatherings children along with parents and carers will be able to go to Family Worship. For more information on how this works in practice, head over to our childrens page.

We still have a social distancing seated area (1m+). You only need to book tickets for social distanced seating. In this area we ask people to keep wearing a face covering during times of sung worship. We also encourage the taking of lateral flow tests if you have cold-like symptoms to give confidence to others coming.

Small Groups

Our small groups throughout the church, both for residents and students, are taking part in a variety of ways, some in person, some online and others a combination. If you are not part of one and would like to be please contact the church office.

Kids & Youth Work

There are a number of our mid-week activities for children and youth as well as our Kids@Kings Sunday groups.

We will continue to update this page and our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram with the latest advice. Those in the congregation will receive regular updates via email.

Thank you for your understanding. Let’s continue to pay attention to government advice, use common sense and above all pray for our nation and our world.

[updated April 29, 2022]